Last Tuesday, September 2nd, Marilyn underwent a sixth surgery on her left eye. Her pressure was unfortunately still too high, so the doctors decided to perform a laser procedure on the membranes behind her cornea. The goal is to eliminate the excess fluid production and therefore enable the ducts to drain more efficiently, which will keep the pressure off her optic nerves. The procedure lasted about an hour and a half, and she was able to return home after her time in recovery.
Thankfully her body is maturing and she is becoming accustomed to the anesthesia, so she is recuperating more quickly with each procedure. She had her patch removed last week and returned today for her follow-up. Other than adjusting her drops, the doctors must wait to assess the pressures until they return to the operating room.
Marilyn is scheduled to return to Riley for another exam under anesthesia and possible surgery on October 14th. We pray her left eye pressure will have dropped, and it will just be an assessment. If surgery is required, they will decide if another laser procedure is an option or if a shunt should be inserted into the drainage canal. They are hoping to wait on the implant until all other options fail.
The silver lining is that her right eye has maintained normal pressure for another month, and it continues to progress normally! Thankfully it only took one surgery to bring her right eye around. We just patiently wait and pray for her left eye to do the same.