Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving, the perfect time to count our blessings and remember all for which we are thankful!

With Marilyn's recent positive prognosis, we are beyond grateful this year. Hunter and I continue to believe that God truly has Marilyn in his hands and is guiding the doctors and their courses of treatment. There has been no greater excitement than to hear that her pressures are good and that she is on the right track.

We are thankful for Riley and to the staff of doctors, nurses and fellows who have taken a special interest in our little Marilyn. We are so blessed to be so close to this amazing hospital. We are grateful to our families, friends, acquaintances and even strangers that hold our Marilyn in their prayers. It boggles my mind and warms my heart to hear of so many people that have heard of Marilyn and lift her up in prayer. I know these prayers have been heard and will continue to be.

On this Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for your prayers and warm wishes and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Happy Thanksgiving!

Marilyn at the Brenton Thanksgiving

Marilyn and Great-Aunt Ronna reading The Littlest Pilgrim. Our Marilyn prefers books to all else and will sit and read for hours.

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