Marilyn spent the night on Valentine's Day with Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Kate & Uncle Brett. She was also treated that night to a visit with Great Grandpa & Grandma Brenton. Here are few Brett captured from their evening. Hunter and I were out enjoying an actual date night!

Marilyn snuggling and reading with
Great-Grandma Brenton

Marilyn was spoiled by Grandma with a Valentine's Day treat of a new laptop. It is adorable and she loves the singing button!

Brown Bear with Aunt Kate

This is Marilyn on the phone. She puts her hand up to her ear and talks. She is quite interactive with her hand phone and has mastered the "hi" and "bye".

Marilyn and Grandpa with one of her phones. I can't imagine where she gets her chatty nature.
It really cracks me up when Marilyn does her phone routine. A laptop and a phone... she's becoming more and more like her mother.
She sure does love Uncle Brett. She just lights up when he comes into the room. She is so funny when she sits on the loveseat with her little laptop next to Uncle Brett on his laptop. She is becoming such a big girl. -Aunt Kate
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