We spent the evening enjoying the beautiful warm weather. Marilyn LOVES her slide, and this year she is big enough to handle it on her own.

She has a blast playing on the top platform and steering the wheel.

She goes down the slide just like she goes down the stairs... turn around and go down on your belly. Apparently that has sunk in pretty deep.

A nice lady-like landing.

Marilyn and Daddy are getting excited about warm weather fun!
We loved the warm weather. Glad to see you guys out enjoying it as well. Miss Marilyn is so silly going down the slide backwards - but at least she is enjoying her playhouse. -Aunt Kate
It is so hard to believe that she is climbing up and going down the slide all on her own. Such a BIG girl. I can't wait to take her to the park it will be such fun. It is almost time for the wagon rides.
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