Marilyn has had a wonderful time with Aunt Kate and Uncle Brett since they returned from their adventure. And I love having them back too... more than for just the free childcare and wonderful pictures!
As you can see, Marilyn has become quite the big kid at the playground. She thinks she can do anything and with her super long legs and tall body- she blends in with the older kids. She loves playing, climbing, sliding and just spending time with her favorite people!
We still have to work on the blowing bubbles thing - she likes to inhale instead of exhale and sucks in the soap.
We had such a good time with her on our 3parks, pizza picnic and icecream day out - too bad she didnt last longer.
I never anticipated bringing her back in only three hours with her begging for a nap.
Little MJ is a cutie. We have definitely enjoyed hanging out with her. It really is nice that she's at the age where she just goes and goes until she physically can't any more. Lots of fun.
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