Today is Marilyn's 18 month birthday! I just can't believe how quickly the time has passed. As you can see she is getting to be quite the big girl. Here are some pictures Kate snapped during her time with Marilyn this past Tuesday.

Walking around with Aunt Kate's cell phone

Marilyn with one of Grandma's Easter Bunnies.

Awww... our little sweetie... such a big girl!
Happy Half Birthday to Marilyn! She certainly has grown up quite a bit in the last eighteen months. I really like these photos Kate took, those two certainly do have a lot of fun together.
I wrote Marilyn a birthday post on our blog, but the link says its her 15yr birthday instead of her 1.5yr birthday. I am well aware that she is not 15 as I still change her diaper.
Sis, you are doing a fabulous job with her. She is growing into an amazing little person.
-Aunt Kate
She is just too cute. I love the one of her looking out the window.. waiting for grandma maybe?? Grandparents seem to always be the favorite lol. Hope you are all doing well.
She is getting so big! And look at her facial expressions, especially in the last shot. Wow.
Hard to believev 18 months old already. Where has the time gone.
She is no longer a baby but a little person trying to do more and more by herself. Where has the tiem gone?
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